Friday, March 29, 2013

Model Mbbs 1st year paper Physiology

                        MODEL QUESTION PAPER

First Professional MBBS Degree ExaminationPaper - I PHYSIOLOGY
Time: 3 hrs Max marks: 50
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
• Answer all questions.
1. A 40 years old obese women, complained of repeated attacks of
right hypochondrial pain and yellow coloration of eyes. Her serum
bilirubin -15mg/dl Vanderberg test was direct positive and serum
alkaline phosphatase was 50 IU.
• Give the most appropriate name of this clinical condition.
• What is the life span of RBC and how do you measure it ?
• List the steps of breakdown of Hemoglobin
(1+3+6=10 marks)
Short Essay:
2. Discuss the factors affecting Glomerular Filtration Rate. Mention
one abnormal condition when GFR is decreased (4+1=5 marks)
3. Explain the transport of Carbondioxide in blood (5 marks)
Write briefly on:
4. Function of Large intestine
5. Gastric emptying
6. Formation and functions of Lymph
7. Micturition Reflex
8. Role of Hypothalamus in Temperature regulation (5x3=15 marks)
Draw and label:
9. Normal E C G in Lead II
10. Juxtaglomerular apparatus (2x2½ =5 marks)
Explain the physiological basis of the following:
11. Post prandial alkaline tide
12. Clotting of blood does not occur In-vivo normally
13. Coronary arteries are perfused during diastole
14. Hypersmolarity of renal medullary interstium
15. Lung alveoli are kept dry normally (5x2=10 marks)

                                    MODEL QUESTION PAPER

First Professional MBBS Degree ExaminationPaper - II PHYSIOLOGY
Time: 3 hrs Max marks: 50
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
• Answer all questions.
1. A 60 year old man was brought to the casualty with the complaints
of sudden onset of inability to move his right upper limb and lower
limp. He gave a history of treatment for hypertension since 10
years. On examination he presented with-
• Hemiplegia with UMN facial nerve palsy of the right side
• Name the tract affected in this patient
• Mention the most probable site of lesion
• Trace the affected pathway with the help of a diagram
• State the differentiating features of Upper Motor Neurons
and Lower Motor Neuron lesions
• Comment on the tone of the muscles of the affected side
(1+1+4+2+2=10 marks)
Short Essay:
2. Give an account of visual pathway. What is the effect of a lesion
of right optic tract?
3. Discuss the hormonal regulation of blood calcium level
(2x5=10 marks)
Write briefly on:
4. Pathway of pain from the face
5. Theories of hearing
6. Role of nigrostrial pathway in regulating cortical activity
7. Hormonal control of lactation
8. Second Messengers (5x3=15 marks)
Draw and label:
9. Organ of Corti
10. Hormonal changes during normal menstrual cycle.
(2x2½ =5 marks)
Write short notes on:
11. Actions of aldosterone
12. Impedence matching
13. Functions of sertoli cells
14. Sarcomere
15. Pre Synaptic Inhibition (5x2=10 marks)


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