Friday, March 29, 2013

Model Mbbs 1st year Paper Anatomy

                          MODEL QUESTION PAPER

                         First Professional MBBS Degree Examination
Time: 3 hrs Max marks: 50
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
• Answer all questions.
1. A 70 year old man on walking uphill feels sudden onset of severe
chest pain radiating to the medial side of left arm associated with
tiredness and sweating. He gives a history of similar attacks and
was on treatment. With your knowledge in Anatomy answer the
following questions.
• Name the organ affected
• Give a brief account of its arterial supply.
• Mention the reason for the radiation of pain.
• Name the covering of the organ and give their nerve supply.
(1+4+2+3=10 marks)
Write briefly on:
2. Inversion and eversion of foot
3. Bronchopulmonary segments of right lung
4. Radioulnar joints (3x5=15 marks)
Write notes on:
5. Decidua
6. Medial longitudinal arch of foot
7. Clavipectoral fascia
8. Coronary sinus
9. Rotator cuff (5x3=15 marks)
Write short answers on :
10. Enumerate the derivatives of neural crest
11. Down’s Syndrome
12. Microscopic structure of lymph node (3x2=6 marks)
Draw neat labelled diagram of the following:
13. Sagittal section through the shoulder joint
14. Sternocostal surface of heart (2x2=4 marks)

                              MODEL QUESTION PAPER

First Professional MBBS Degree ExaminationPaper -II ANATOMY
Time: 3 hrs Max marks: 50
• Draw diagrams wherever necessary
• Answer all questions.
1. A 10 year old boy was brought to the O.P with fever and difficulty
in opening his mouth and chewing. On examination there was a
swelling in front of his left ear associated with tenderness. Based
on your knowledge in Anatomy answer the following questions.
• Name the structure affected in this case
• Describe the coverings, surfaces and borders of the structure
• Mention the structure traversing it
• Give the nerve supply of the structure
(1+5+2+2=10 marks)
Write briefly on:
2. Ischiorectal fossa
3. Constituent fibres and arterial supply of internal capsule
4. Development and congenital anomalies of palate.(3x5=15 marks)
Write notes on:
5. Superior constrictor muscle
6. Auditory tube
7. Lateral geniculate body
8. Microscopic structure of retina
9. Superior mesenteric artery (5x3=15 marks)
Write short answers on:
10. Enumerate the arteries and nerves supplying anterior quadrant of
11. Meckel's diverticulum
12. Coverings of prostate gland (3x2=6 marks)
Draw neat labelled diagram of the following:
13. Structures seen posterior to the stomach
14. Transverse section through upper part of midbrain (2x2=4 marks)


Anonymous said...

Nice Exam papers. can i have more ??

Anonymous said...

where are the answaer

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